In order to capacity building regarding Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs in the work plan for Year 2023 and in budget funds ensured the education of employees of the subjects of SDI FBiH for 2023 and 2024, which will be done through a qualified service provider with experience in capacity building in the field of SDI and spatial data in general. The company GAUSS d.o.o. Tuzla was selected as a service provider regarding this topic.
In accordance with the Project Terms of Reeference, the training program includes three types of training with appropriate competencies that participants should aquire in terms of thematic areas:
Interest in training was expressed by 15 institutions/public companies, recognized as SDI stakeholders, more precisely 60 representatives who will participate.
The main goal of the training is to enable participants to acquire basic and advanced professional competencies related to the use of spatial data dissemination tools. In addition to the theoretical part of the education, its practical part is also introduced, which deals with the application GIS and WebGIS tools for the preparation and web presentation of spatial data.