Following the publication of the Rulebook on Basic Geodetic Works („Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH“, No. 15/19), the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs within its jurisdiction and in accordance with the work plan for 2019, initiated the procurement of "Basic Geodetic Works - High Precision Leveling Network HPLN III" in May 2019.
Through the procurement of services, the consortium of geodetic companies BNpro Ltd. Sarajevo, Zedis Ltd. Zenica and Geobiro Ltd. Konjic were selected as the most favorable bidders. The project itself consists of three phases:
Preliminary work included restoration of possibly destroyed high leveling benchmarks, leveling measurements on the micromesh around the fundamental benchmark, leveling measurements at the spatial reference points included in the HPLN III, and leveling measurements on the replaced plate benchmarks. The aforementioned phase was successfully completed in mid-August and the contractor joined the second phase.
Static GNSS measurements included the determination of coordinates at the points of the spatial reference network of the Federation of BiH (186 points) and the determination of coordinates at part of the HPLN III (72 benchmarks). The fieldwork was successfully completed at the beginning of September, and completion of the static GNSS measurements processing and elaboration of the GNSS measurement reports is expected by the end of October.
Leveling measurements on part of the HPLN III, (approx. 400 km) began this week and the end of fieldwork is expected mid-November, while completion of all office work, accuracy assessment a priori, adjustment of part of the network, evaluation of accuracy a posteriori and preparation of the Study is expected by the end of the year.
These leveling measurements represent another in a series of projects organized by the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs as part of the introduction of new reference systems and the final determination of Bosnia and Herzegovina Geoid, all in accordance with international norms, regulations and directives.