The Eurogeographics General Assembly 2022 will be held in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo on 15-17 May 2022 . This year's host is the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, and the assembly is an opportunity to bring together the directors of all European Surveying and Mapping Authorities, their associates and important experts.
The organization of the Assembly was assigned to Bosnia and Herzegovina at the proposal of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, which is a full member for many years, and during the introductory session is planned to address a number of domestic officials, international experts and the association leadership.
Eurogeographics is an unique association of the equal public organizations active in geospatial information managing from all over the Europe ( European geodetic administrations for mapping and cadastre). It enables the exchange of experiences, best practice and learned lessons, as well as network of collaboration in which the individual attitudes are reinforced as a collective voice.
EuroGeographics provides a network that enables constructive, collaborative dialogue between its members, and between members and interested international stakeholders, in order to overcome technical and institutional barriers that prevent the widespread use of public geospatial data. The Eurogeographics strength lies in its large membership and the association represents 90% of the official bodies responsible for geodetic, topographic, cadastral affairs and land registration in geographical Europe. It currently brings together 66 cadastral and cartographic agencies from 44 states and its role is to help in the implementation of EU policy programs for both, its members and EU participants.