Director of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs Mr. Željko Obradović and Federal Minister of Justice Mr. Mato Jozić have signed the Decision on adoption the Strategy on Information and Communication Technology for Land Registry and Real Estate/Land Cadaster in the Federation of BiH for the Period of 2019-2029.
The ICT Strategy was developed within the Real Estate Registration Project, which is financed by World Bank credit funds, and made by the engaged consultant Professor Zdravko Galić. The monitoring was carried out by a joint Working Group appointed by the Director of the FGA and the Minister of Justice of the Federation BiH.
The main goal of the ICT Strategy is defining priority goals, projects and activities for development of land registry and cadastral information systems in the Federation of BiH and the emphasis is on improving the data exchange between land registry and cadastral information systems, the possibility for exchange data with other registers (register of citizen’s personal data, register of business subjects, address register etc.), the implementation of new electronic services, the improvement of data quality, the improvement and eventual redesign of the existing land registry information system and information system of cadaster into a single system.
In the ICT Strategy were defined short-terms (1-3 years), middle- terms (4-6 years) and long-terms (7-10 years) strategic goals, projects and activities for further development and improvement of land registry and cadastral information system. Those information systems were observed from all aspects relevant to their functioning, such as the legal framework, system architecture, human resources, hardware, software, data, and their interconnection and data exchange, not only internally but also with external information systems.