In accordance with planned activities within the Swedish donor project DELEF (Digital improvement of land management for the EU future of Bosnia and Herzegovina), a workshop was held in Mostar as part of Component 1 "Overall Capacity Buildning" on the topic "Training for New Project Members" from May 13 to 16, 2024.
Workshop leaders Ms. Jenny Svennewall, project manager from LANTMÄTERIET, and Ms. Suzana Živković, external consultant from SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) representing NCG (Nordic Consulting Group), delivered a series of lectures to participants from the Republic Authority for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs and the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs.
Throughout the workshop, a combination of presentations, discussions, and group work on practical examples related to the project was utilized.
Through the completed training, new project members acquired knowledge and skills on project models, project processes, documentation, project tools, and SIDA perspectives.