The EuroGeographics representatives, Secretary General and Executive DirectorMr. Mick Cory, Ms Sallie Payne Snell Head of Operations and Association Management and Ms Patricia Sokacova Membership and Communications Manager have visited the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs on 19 June 2019. Representatives of the Administration led by Director Mr. Željko Obradović presented current projects and activities, and it was discussed about the accommodation and congress facilities that will be available for the EuroGeographics Annual Assembly next year in Sarajevo.
The Annual Assembly of EuroGeographics- Europe’s National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities, after Vienna (2017) Prague (2018) and Manchester (2019), will be held in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2020. The EuroGeographics Annual Assembly is great opportunity for gathering the leaderships ofEurope’s National Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authorities as well as representatives of other European organizations that have a significant impact in geospatial information management.
Main activities of EuroGeographics are aimed at representing the interests of its members, transfer of knowledge, capacity building, making and implementation of projects, production of the pan european products based on the data set from national cartographic/ cadastral agencies. EuroGeographics gathers 64 agencies from 44 countries of European region.
Except of the fact that the organization of such an important event is an acknowledgment for the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, it is also a unique opportunity for the promotion of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its values.