In the organization of Lantmäteriet (the national geodetic authority of the Kingdom of Sweden), land registry managers from FBiH and lawyers from the real property department of the Republic Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs of RS visited Sweden on 19 – 23 May 2014.
A visit was organized during their stay to one of the seven existing land registry offices in Sweden, in the Municipality of Norrtälje, where all areas of land registry administration were presented, including IT achievements in this area, legal frameworks and legislative solutions and how legal system of land registers works from the practical point of view.
One of the main topics was management of changes occurring during reorganization and in society in general and how to develop land registry registration from one circumstance to another.
A presentation on transfer of the land registry offices under the competence of the national geodetic authority of the Kingdom of Sweden (Lantmäteriet) generated a lot of attention among members of the delegation, as well as the activities that considerably facilitated work of the land registry offices, creating conditions for unified practice in the land registry field and easier cooperation with the cadastral offices.
The representatives of FBiH and RS expressed their satisfaction with this visit, as well as their gratitude to the CILAP Project and the administrations for geodetic and real property affairs for organizing it.