A seminar on the topic of the public display of cadastral data was held in Sarajevo on 28 November 2019 in the organization of the Real Estate Registration Project Federation of BiH and Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs.
On the seminar attended representatives of 22 municipalities and one land registry office from the Federation of BiH. Mr. Zeljko Obradovic, Director of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs addressed all attendees and presented current projects and activities of the Administration. He specifically referred to the activities of the public display of data regarding survey and cadastral classification of land.
Representatives of the Administration and the Real Estate Registration Project of Federation of BiH, Mr. Muris Ajanovic and Mr. Tomislav Tomic presented all steps in establishing of the real estate cadaster based on the existing data. The activities so far on the preparing the data base regarding survey and cadastral classification of land for the procedure of public display and establishing the real estate cadaster were presented, as well as plans for the next year when all the subject data (a total of 394 cadastral municipalities) is expected to be ready for the procedure of establishing the real estate cadaster.