In the premises of the FBiH Government today were presented the activities and achievements of the Real Estate Registration Project in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This project started in September 2013, it will last till January 2020 and it is currently being implemented in 54 municipalities of 79 in the FBiH.
The main goal of the Project is to provide support to the sustainable real estate system with harmonized land registry and cadastral data. Vision of the FBiH Land Administration is to ensure efficient, secure and sustainable real estate registration system, which provides legal security for investors.
The Director of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, Mr. Željko Obradović addressed the media representatives and pointed out the importance and main project goals, the harmonization between the land registry and cadastral data in the FBiH urban areas, and the establishment of the new Land Registry in the FBiH urban areas. He especially pointed out that almost 360.000 owners and co-owners solved their real estate status and that was planned to install a unique, integrated FBiH Real Estate Registration base so that all users get insight into their real estate status in one place, and in the future download data about their real estate via the Internet.
The Head of the Project implementation Unit, Mr. Nedžad Pašalić, presented the Project challenges, difficulties and goals, and pointed out that almost 90% of business is done, and that the activities were launched for 215 of the total 243 FBiH cadastral municipalities. Until now is vectorized 3,4 million of parcels, of the total 5 million, which is close to the 68% of FBiH parcels. He also informed present media representatives that the FBiH Land Registry central database was formed, connections between all land registry offices in FBiH and the central base in the Federal Ministry of Justice were established.