News (archive) - Federal Geodetic Administration

News (archive)


The thirty-ninth session of the Spatial Data of the Federation of BiH Council (SDI FBiH Council) was held in the premises of the Federal...

A meeting between Director Mr. Željko Obradović and Deputy Minister for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mrs Duška Jurišić,...

The ceremonial promotion of the Bachelors of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism, Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Masters of Civil...

At the proposal of the Council for the Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (SDI FBIH) and the coordination body...

Thanks to the long-standing successful cooperation between the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs (FGA) and the State...

In an effort to improve the field of Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Federation Of Bosnia And Herzegovina (SDI FBiH) and build capacities, the...

A meeting between representatives of the Federal Geodetic Administration and Municipality Jajce was held in the Administration’s premises on...

Director of the Federal Geodetic Administration, Mr. Željko Obradović and Assistant Director, Mr. Goran Brkić, held a meeting with Director of...

The Municipality Mayor, Mr. Akif Fazlić and Assistant Mayor in the Municipal Service for Real Property Affairs, Geodesy and Cadastre, Mrs Nizama...

The meeting of representatives of the Federal Geodetic Administration led by Director Mr. Željko Obradović, and representatives of the Faculty of...

A meeting of the representatives of the Federal Geodetic Administration and Municipality Čitluk was held in Municipality's premises on November...

A meeting of the Director of the Federal Geodetic Administration Mr. Željko Obradović and the General Director of Elektroprivreda BiH Mr. Sanel...

A joint meeting between representatives of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, Administration for Geodetic and Real...

As a part of the DELEF project implementation, representatives of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs and Republic...

The conference "4th Spatial Data Infrastructure Days of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina" was held in Neum on October 26 and 27, 2023, in...

A meeting between representatives of the Federal Geodetic Administration and City of Bosanska Krupa was held in the Administration’s premises on...

In order to capacity building regarding Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federal Administration for...

We inform all participants of the fourth conference "Days of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina" which...

The workshop aimed at defining the project activities in detail and the detailed 2024 work plan was held in the period from October 9 to 12, 2023...

On October 10, 2023, a Kick off meeting regarding to the start of the implementation of the DELEF project (Digital Enhancement of Land Management...

Through the realization of the activities of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs (FGA) related to the establishment...


A meeting between representatives of entity geodetic administrations, the delegation of the European Union in BiH, the Ministry of Civil Affairs,...

The 5th Congress on cadastre in Bosnia and Herzegovina was held in organization of the Geodetic Society of Herceg-Bosnia on September 27-29, 2023...

A meeting between representatives of the Federal Geodetic Administration and Municipality Bosansko Grahovo was held in the Administration’s...

Federal minister for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry Mr. Kemal Hrnjić visited the Federal Geodetic Administration on September 25, 2023...

Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, as the coordinating body of Spatial Data Infrastructure in the Federation of BiH,...

Federal minister for Physical Planning Mr. Željko Nedić and assistant minister Mr. Goran Lulić visited the Federal Geodetic Administration on...

The thirty-seventh session of the Spatial Data of the Federation of BiH Council (SDI FBiH Council) was held in the premises of the Federal...

The Government of the Kingdom of Sweden, through the Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority Lantmäteriet, has been helping the...

Director of the Federal Geodetic Administration Mr. Željko Obradović and Assistant director Mr. Sead Hadžić visited Municipality of Kladanj on...

The thirty-sixth session of the Spatial Data of the Federation of BiH Council (SDI FBiH Council) was held in the premises of the Federal...

Director of the State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia, Mr. Antonio Šustić and his associates visited the Federal...

On June 12, 2023, a meeting between representatives of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs and representatives of the...

As a part of the Education plan for 2023, the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs organized a two-day workshop for land...

On June 8, 2023 a workshop was held in Sarajevo with stakeholders of spatial data infrastructure (SDI) within the Work Plan for the establishment,...

National Day of the Kingdom of Sweden (6th June), the biggest national holiday and a day of the great pride for the Kingdom of Sweden citizens, was...

On June 2, 2023 a workshop was held in Mostar with stakeholders of spatial data infrastructure (SDI) within the Work Plan for the establishment,...

The Land and Property Valuation Learning Week was held in Seoul, Korea, from May 22 to May 26, 2023. The Learning Week is organized by the World...

The representative of the Federal Geodetic Administration, Assistant Director Mr. Sead Hadžić, participated in the 38th Conference of geodetic...

The Eurogeographics Extraordinary General Assembly held on May 25, 2023 through online communication platforms, and most of the association members...

A meeting between representatives of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs namely, Director Željko Obradović and...

We are pleased to inform all users of geodetic and cadastral data of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs that the...

In the municipality of Gradačac a regular Annual Assembly of the Association of Citizens of Geodetic Profession "Geodet" was held on May 6, 2023....

Geospatial World Forum (GWF) has become a not-to-be-missed conference for the professionals engaged in geospatial and allied sectors. It is a...

After four years, the Croatian geodetic society has organized traditional 20th Days of Croatian surveyors in Seget Donji, Republic of Croatia on...

A regional meeting ” Land Administration as a Tool for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management” was held in the World Bank...

The thirty-fifth session of the Spatial Data of the Federation of BiH Council (SDI FBiH Council) was held in the premises of the Federal...

Undergraduate students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy University of Mostar have visited Federal Geodetic...

Handover of the geodetic equipment in the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs was organized on April 19, 2023. The...

A Contract on creation of a common data model of the land registry and cadastre has been signed by Director, Mr. Željko Obradović and engaged...

Regional workshop within the Spatial II project in the framework of strengthening professional access to information about land in the Western...

The thirteenth session of the Working Party on Land Administration – WPLA

During the week of March 26-30, 2023 representatives of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs and the Kosovo Cadastre...

Director of the Federal Geodetic Administration Mr. Željko Obradović and Assistant Mr. Sead Hadžić visited Municipality Kiseljak on March 29,...

A working meeting with an aim to define a scope of project activities within approval phase of the new donor project of Kingdom of Sweden to the...

A meeting between representatives of the Federal Geodetic Administration and Municipality Čitluk was held in the Administration’s premises on...

The Eurogeographics General Assembly 2023 is one of the most important events in the geospatial information sector, and this year’s Assembly was...

The Council of European Geodetic Surveyors- CLGE together with the National Society of Professional Surveyors-NSPS and International Federation of...

A meeting regarding the realization of projects and activities of Mostar City land administration sector was held in premises of Federal Geodetic...

A meeting between representatives of the Federal Geodetic Administration and Municipality Kladanj was held in the Administration’s premises on...

A Contract regarding continuation of the Survey renewal project of Ilidža Municipality (cadastral municipalities Blažuj, Osijek, Butmir and...

A new Spatial Data Infrastructure of FBIH Metadata catalogue started working on March 6, 2022. Namely, the Federal Geodetic Administration improved...

A meeting between representatives of the Federal Geodetic Administration and Federal Institute for Agropedology was held in Administration's...

The thirty-fourth session of the Spatial Data of the Federation of BiH Council (SDI FBiH Council) was held in the premises of the Federal...

Handover of GNSS surveying equipment in the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs was organized on 22 February 2023. The...

A meeting between representatives of the Federal Geodetic Administration and Municipality Grude was held in Municipality’s premises on 17...

A joint meeting between representatives of the Federal Geodetic Administration and Municipality Kupres was held in Municipality’s premises on 16...

A meeting between representatives of the Federal Geodetic Administration and Municipality Tomislavgrad was held in Municipality’s premises on 15...

Students from High school of Civil Engineering and Geodesy Sarajevo have visited Federal Geodetic Administration on 13 February 2023. The visit was...

A joint meeting between representatives of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, Cantonal Administration for Geodetic...

A meeting between representatives of the Federal Geodetic Administration and Municipality Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje was held in FGA premises on 7...

A meeting between representatives of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs and Republic Authority for Geodetic and Real...

A meeting regarding the level of realization of projects and activities of Mostar City land administration sector was held in premises of City...

A meeting between representatives of the Federal Geodetic Administration and Geodetic Administration of Central Bosnia Canton was held in FGA...