In premises of Republic Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs of Republic Srpska a two-day workshop during March 28 - 30, 2017 in Banja Luka was organized by...
In accordance with planned activities of CILAP project during period in March 27-29 March 2017, worshop is held in Laktasi. The workshop was related to subcomponents of...
In the period of March 21-23, 2017 IMPULS National Workshop was held in Mostar, regarding raising awareness of spatial data infrastructure (SDI), INSPIRE EU directive and...
The sixth session of the Council of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of FBiH was held in Mostar on March 21, 2017.
In the premises of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs a meeting was held on March 15, 2017 between representatives of Federal Geodetic...
IMPULS National workshop will will be held on March 21-23, 2017 in hotel „Mostar“ Mostar. During the National Workshop experiences from the region and beyond regarding the...
In accordance with the planned activities of the CILAP project, workshop with an aim to support geodetic authorities in creation of Integrity plans was held on March 6-7, 2017...
During 2016, Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs produced a topographical map of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the scale of 1: 250 000. The map was...