Dear Esteemed Readers!
Welcome to the official website of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs of FBiH, where you can find cadastral data on your parcels and their occupancy status. You can search the data either by cadastral parcel number or holdings portfolio number, i.e., cadastral registry number, but you will firstly have to select the host municipality and cadastral community of a parcel or holdings portfolio, i.e., cadastral registry portfolio, you are searching for. All data are solely for information purposes and cannot serve as a public document. Public documents are issued by the relevant municipal departments responsible for geodetic affairs and cadastre.
Our ultimate goal is to provide on this website cadastral data for all 79 municipalities of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but some municipalities currently do not have their data in a digital form, and in some municipalities updating of their cadastral data is in progress. It is for these reasons that you will not be able to find on this website cadastral data for some municipalities, but intensive work is in progress to enable online presentation of these municipalities' data too.
We are delighted to inform you that the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs of FBiH implemented A Unique Cadastre Software Development for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project, allowing for consolidation of cadastral data of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and their online presentation. One of the main objectives of this project was to ensure standardization and uniformity of operations of the cadastral offices throughout the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, resulting in better quality and more efficient provision of services to citizens, businesses and other cadastral data users. An additional objective of this project was to create a central cadastral database of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and enable online presentation of the cadastral data of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The implementation of this software was financed by the Land Registration Project (the World Bank credit), and the budget of the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, through the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs of FBiH.
The software implementation included the following:
• software development in compliance with the current legal regulations on cadastre;
• software installment, including training of its users in 70 municipal cadastral offices of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
• data migration (conversion) from the existing software to the new system (software);
• maintenance over a 12-month period.
The Cadastre Software of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina supports all processes in the real estate cadastre database provided for in the Rulebook on Real Estate Cadastre Database (real estate cadastre database creation, maintenance, data distribution and sharing, storage, protection and filing). As part of the software implementation, the central cadastral database of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was established and update features for it were implemented, allowing for its updating with the updates made in the municipal cadastral offices. The central cadastral database is hosted in the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs of FBiH.
Yours faithfully,
Željko Obradović, Director, BS Geodetic Engineer