The Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs of FBiH performs administrative and other technical tasks that are under the authority of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, relating to: survey, real estate cadastre establishment and updating, utility cadastre, with the exception of the tasks for which the authority was devolved by the law to the cantons and municipalities, mapping of the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, geodetic and cartographic tasks of relevance to defense, keeping technical archives of the originals of plans and maps of basic geodetic works and other data resulting from geodetic works, land consolidation, special purpose land survey, real property records, making property reprivatization proposals, inspection supervision of works related to survey, real estate cadastre, land cadastre, and utility cadastre.
The geodetic profession in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is decentralized with its headquarters in Sarajevo, in contrast to the Republic Administration of the Republika Srpska that is headquartered in Banja Luka. Both Administrations cooperate on legislative and professional basis, and are partners in various projects and programs.
FGA performs administrative and other technical tasks that are under the authority of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, relating to:
- survey, real estate cadastre establishment and updating
- utility cadastre, with the exception of the tasks for which the authority was devolved by the law to the cantons and municipalities
- mapping of the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- geodetic and cartographic tasks of relevance to defense
- keeping technical archives of the originals of plans and maps of basic geodetic works and other data resulting from geodetic works
- land consolidation and special purpose land survey
- real property records
- making property reprivatization proposals
- inspection supervision of works related to survey, real estate cadastre, land cadastre, and utility cadastre.
In addition to the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs of FBiH, there are also four cantonal-level standalone geodetic administrations, and 79 municipal departments responsible for geodetic and real property affairs, real estate cadastre, and land cadastre.